Huron Yacht Club Ladies Auxiliary
As President of the Auxiliary, I would like to personally welcome you to HYC and to our page. The Ladies Auxiliary is the major fundraising arm for the yacht club. We utilize funds, raised through special events, for renovations and improvement projects here at HYC and donate to programs that better our communities. Our ladies serve as volunteers for many of the special events at HYC. Interested in joining, please contact Marcia Arthur.
Auxiliary Project/Events
In addition to projects the Auxiliary supports at HYC, we also host many exciting events throughout the year. From highlighting local businesses and talents to showcasing seasonal events, our ladies go above and beyond to ensure events at HYC meet the expectations of our members.

Auxiliary Board
President - Marcia Arthur
Vice President - Kim Villa
Treasurer - Denise Lewis
Secretary - Buffy Greenawalt